Wednesday, April 16, 2008

:::. dis is a nuw blog .:: what happened to d previous one? .::. No idea! .::

d' kickstart

basically i got no idea on my previous blog.
in fact, i couldn't access to it at all.
dats d reason y sumtymes HC called me "lampi" a.k.a "lambat pick-up".
or in other word 'blur'
mmg laa it sumtymes annoyed me,tp i have to admit it. [ i tend to get too slow-mo sumtymes ]

but,i'll try to post all the updates. [ even it'll took me like days n weeks]
unfortunately,the updates is sumtymes backdated punyer .
[ nama pun blog baru ]
i'll make it as interested as i can.
this blog seems to be 'my diary' tho i never haf it at all.
[ i just dun want to b like ketinggalan zaman ]

i'll update u guys wif d updates of my nothing-to-do activities.
[most of it mmg dgn HC la ]

to b updated

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