Saturday, April 19, 2008

[ birthday prressie vacation ]

in 10 days time,its going to be my 22nd bday [im one year older...sigh]

d best part is,
my Mr.HC had already told me his intention to bring me to one of the islands in malaysia
[ it is not determined yet ]

what came across to our mind is either;

-redang [ this island mcm xjadi jer sbb jaoh sgt kot ]

we are more to langkawi kot.

mcm Mr.HC pun prone to langkawi [nk borong rokok katenye...menchi dgr ]
ari2 kitorg plan ape yg nk kena prepare.

such as ;


[to be frank, i cant wait for the days]

ari2 im counting days and ckp benda yg sama dkt Mr.HC,but he kept saying this

"syggg,sbr eyh,kite tunggu b nye AL dulu k.Xmo rush2 k?"

even zillion times being told of this,tp i still keep reminding him on this smpai sumtymes he gets pissed off dgn myself.da kena marah,i diam kejap,then bile die blik keje,i akan ckp lg benda yg sama............without fail... =D

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