Saturday, April 26, 2008

[ happy + penat +sedih = satisfaction ]

this blog was delayed due to my busy-ness with soooo many occassions.

as i said,HC akan pulang ke ipoh kn? die sampai kul 2 p.m on that friday..

yes,he was here [ i emphasized the word "was" ] cuz, he went back already..

sgt bz

sgt penat

sgt exhaustive



we done so many activities,and so many occassion yg terjadi...

An bad mood

mummy majok

my aunt BERPAKAT [versi bb] dgn kami utk menjadikan surprise bday ni utk mummy..

da laa pening xtaw nak beli ape utk mummy...what in our mind is perfume kowt,cuz mummy complain Gucci Envy die hilang..Xtaw laa cane kn.. Finally,we decided to buy "Clinique Happy"..and beli kad yg paling besar yg ade kat Memory Lane tu..

jd kami [ my family ] decided to go to LUMUT utk makan kt sana.. so mcm dlm erti kata lain,sambil2 tu bwk HC makan kt tepi laut... [ happening gilew ]

sgt best..d cute moment is, HC dlm kete byk kali tetido,and he kept questioning me,

"xsampai lg eyh sygg?"

and i replied

"bb,jaoh nyer tempat makan ni dgn umah adelah 100km"... he was like "owh....jauhnyew.."

then die sambung tdo... He's cute,no doubt!! be continued in the next post................

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