Thursday, April 24, 2008

[ happy bday Mummy and iXuan ]

happy bay to u,
hapy bday to u,
happy bday to mummy and iXuan,
happy bday to u..God bless....

[utk my mom, i da wish masa tepat jam 12.00 sambil masak maggie ruski as per reQuest by her...she said i'm good in inventing the maGgie to b so tasteful (ma,tu compliments ker perli?)]

[and to my cuzz,iXuan,i text him.....but he only managed to reply pagi tadi. (sory Wan,k.nana kan xde profession,lupe lak yg Wan da tdo nk g class pagi neyh]

and my bro Angah lak wat lawak bangang yg paling bangang dlm dunia.Lately die slalu marah2 i sbb bill tepon yg xdisettlekan agy..Pdhal owg laen yg gunew!! sentap!! his text was like

"happy bday kakak,da besa kamu yeh.Smoga Allah panjangkan umor kamu.Tho angah slalu marah2 kamu kebelakangan ni,tp angah syg sgt kat kamu......"

[ at first,mmg laa terharu sket,tp mcm bengong skejap....its not my bday ]

then i reply kat die,

"adeh,wish bday la plak..angah! ni bday Mak laa..bkn bday akak,gilew apew mlm2 buto neyh"

and he replied

"adeh,slh org la plak"

i was like OMG,ape abg aku neh,da kenal aku 22 thn,knal my mom the rest of his life,tp maseh confused dgn bday kami bdua? and i tot he twos wish my mom thru the fon so i biaa jer laa...Then pagi td i citew kt my mom,and my mom check hp,but no sms..tibe2 terkeluar ayat emo

''xde sape pun wish mak nyew bday kan? akak ajew" [ im a gewd daughter laaa Mak,dun u know that,but i think,u realize that!]

mayb my bros xley nak text kowt.Along,hp kena barred (he's my supp).Angah mereng kot,tataw nape die xsms my mom,achik da text mak da..My sis?? a'ah kn...die xwish pown...die mmg kadang2 kurang adb sket..wawawawawa**

anyway,mcm di plan,ari ni HC akn pulang ke cni utk celebr8 my mom's bday.An (my sis bf) pun akn blk juge utk menyemarakkan agy keadaan tu nnt.... [ actually,im focusing on HC yg nak balik..da 2 minggu taw xjmpe..]

xpe,pic utk activity yg di buat,akan diupdate k..

catch u all later...

ONE [L][O][V][E]

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