Sunday, April 20, 2008

.::: [ 10 more days agi ] :::.

smlm sampai kul 4 pagi sms ngn i said,he's a busy man.tambahan pulak,now he just joined one clan..but its ok,maybe die boring kowt da,i take d advantage la,suh die teman i smpai nearly 4a.m.. [he never complained at all,tho he haf to wake up at 7 for the comp]..

spt biasa laa,i maseh lagi mengingatkan die tentang planning bday vacation utk kali ni die xmembantah,tp die siap ckp

"yer,sy pun da xsabar nak gi vacation tu "

it was a gud sign i think.Dun u feel that? anyway,thanx bb..kamu sungguh baik ati..

one of his fwen plak ajak g bali..mcm best.. [ayu! u made my head split into two.tataw nk choose mana satu] its going to b her bday dalam 7hari je.. [izzit correct ayu?]
by the way, i decide to go to langkawi first [its a must] then balik,twos lepak kl utk celebration ngn ayu [ it must be so happening kan?]

ni pun masalah gak..xtaw nak plan wat kat ner..
tp mcm nak g genting ajer..mesti best kn? [plss bb,nk g genting plak]
im not demanding.. im just requesting,its either can be accepted or declined.

tp ape2 pun,i harap yg langkawi ni berjalan dgn lancar first,then only i can think about sumthing else..da berangan2 da..sbb what i get from the internet,the hotel yg bakal didiami tu the swimming pool is like 200metres long.. that must be so interesting...

ape2 pun i'll catch wif u all guys later k?


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