Wednesday, April 23, 2008

[ ade 1 hari ajew lagi ]

friday 25th april 2008
lg 1 hari
HC nak balik ipoh..

actually,on the date,it will be my mom's bday...
so,my sis,his bf,me n my shyg,decided to take out my mom..
nk g maen bowling fact now, An (my sis bf),HC n my mom da addicted dgn bowling.
So,we decided dat to haf an outing,g main bowling kot.

yg i xsabar is when HC akn balik ke rumah ini..die ade 2 off days,jd i bjaya pujok so that he'll come back and celebrate with us..
HC im glad to hear that bb akan balik.. [happy banget neyh]

xpe b,when u reach here,kite try to arrange sumthing k?
mesti best sgt kn?
sonok nyew..

lalalalalalala.... i can't wait laa..
so many shweet things happened sejak akhir2 neyh.. even physically jaoh, but deep inside, we're getting closer..

thanx to maxis broadband yg jugew diberikan oleyh HC [ heart kamO0 byk,bb ]

to b updated soon... =D

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